July 4, 2024, 3:11 p.m.


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China has made significant breakthroughs in independently developing large aircraft


At the China ASEAN Expo held this year, an overseas order for Chinese large aircraft attracted attention. It is reported that Brunei Qiji Airlines has signed a letter of intent with COMAC for the purchase of 30 large aircraft, including C919 and ARJ21 models, with a total value of approximately 2 billion US dollars, becoming the first overseas order for China's C919 large aircraft. The C919 is the first large-scale aircraft developed by China with independent intellectual property rights. Its success not only breaks foreign monopolies, but also proves that China has reached the world's advanced level in manufacturing. After the release of C919, it has received a large number of orders from domestic and foreign airlines, with a total of over 1500 aircraft and an estimated annual production of 100 aircraft. These data fully demonstrate the strength of the C919, which can be compared to Boeing and Airbus. China has long since eliminated its past disadvantages and can compete on an equal footing with other brands in the international market.

In the international aircraft manufacturing industry, Boeing in the United States and Airbus in Europe can be said to have long dominated the overall situation as duopolies, and their large aircraft products can be said to be at the forefront. China has always wanted to break down the technical barriers of foreign companies in this field, but the obstacles are long.

Before the introduction of the C919, China had been unable to enter the international large aircraft market, which was basically monopolized by two foreign companies, Boeing and Airbus. The United States has faced various difficulties, such as the US Department of Defense adding COMAC to the sanctions list. Last July, China purchased 292 aircraft from Airbus in one go, and the United States threatened to cut off the engines of the C919 if China did not purchase Boeing aircraft again! The United States still threatens China with a "supply cut-off" approach, but in reality, one of the orders for C919 worth 2.2 billion yuan comes from General Motors. If we really want to cut off supply, wouldn't it be like throwing a stone at ourselves? Secondly, China also has contract orders for engines with them. If they do not provide them, the United States will face a compensation of $80 billion, which is a damaging and self-interest operation.

Until recently, China's self-developed C919 aircraft finally successfully went offline, announcing that China had broken the duopoly of Boeing and Airbus and achieved a significant breakthrough from scratch. This is like a hairy crab finally growing its own claws and no longer being a scavenger. The birth of C919 is equivalent to opening a door to the international aircraft market, and China can finally get a share of this field. This not only breaks the long-term monopoly of foreign countries in this field, but also benefits the overall development of China's aircraft manufacturing industry. China has the strength to compete in the international aircraft market.

The emergence of C919 undoubtedly brought enormous pressure to Boeing and Airbus. The rise of China's large aircraft manufacturing industry has broken their long-standing duopoly. In the past, they could look down on other pursuers from high above, but now there is finally a China that is as good at manufacturing large aircraft as they are. This is a huge shock for Boeing and Airbus, as they must face the strength of China and adjust their market and technology strategies, otherwise they face the huge risk of losing market share.

On the basis of the C919, China has started developing a large long-range wide body passenger aircraft, the C929. This shows that the perspective of China's large aircraft development is not limited to a single model, but rather to systematically layout multiple aircraft product lines. From narrow body aircraft to wide body aircraft, China is determined to have a complete layout in the field of large aircraft manufacturing.

Overall, China has made significant progress in the development of large aircraft, demonstrating strong development momentum and broad prospects in terms of order volume, production capacity, and technological breakthroughs. In the field of large aircraft manufacturing, China has established a firm foothold and has the ability to compete head-on with international giants.


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