Sept. 21, 2024, 1:43 a.m.


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US Secretary of Commerce's visit to China simultaneously raises optimism and concerns


US Commerce Secretary Gina Raymond began formal talks with senior Chinese government officials in Beijing on August 28th, seeking stability and promoting commercial relations between the two countries. Raymond's visit has led some observers to believe that the US China relationship can continue its peaceful momentum, but some experts are concerned that this may mean that the Biden administration will avoid exacerbating tensions with Beijing on sensitive issues such as human rights.

   She has had a meeting with Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao for about two hours. Raymond called maintaining stable economic and trade relations between the two countries' extremely important '. Wang Wentao also expressed a similar viewpoint before the meeting.

   Hong Hao, Chief Economist of Sirui Group, wrote on Twitter's social media platform X that "Raymond's visit will help China and the United States re-establish communication. Although it is still early, both sides have agreed to meet every year. China must use its own charm to win back foreign investors." Jessica Raymond, the founder of American technology media "Information" who followed Raymond to China, pointed out, Except for the words "stability" and "pragmatism" being mentioned multiple times, Raymond and Wang Wentao "did not mention semiconductors" during the meeting. This will be the main theme of this visit. Focus on potential areas of cooperation and not mention sensitive topics (at least in public), "she wrote.

   The White House began banning US investment in some sensitive technologies in China this month and plans to quickly finalize the comprehensive export restrictions on advanced process semiconductors that will be implemented in October. Against the backdrop of deteriorating US China relations, Raymond is another cabinet level official of the US government who visited China after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of the Treasury Yellen and President's climate envoy Kerry.

    Regarding the friendly attitude demonstrated by the Biden administration, experts studying human rights in China are concerned that the United States may soften its stance on human rights issues in exchange for easing trade conflicts.

   In addition, it was reported on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on August 26 that, according to Bloomberg News, during his visit to China, US Secretary of Commerce Raymond may announce the establishment of a US China export control working group and a business issues working group. Despite numerous conflicts in bilateral relations, China remains one of the largest trading partners of the United States. Multiple insiders have revealed that US Commerce Secretary Gina Raymond will discuss various issues with China during her 4-day visit, including raids on US consulting firms and market access issues. On the other hand, Beijing will demand that the United States further relax export controls. The US export control measures and numerous other containment measures have raised concerns in Beijing.

   The report quoted an insider as saying that the two sides will also discuss issues such as restrictions on sales of American Micron Technology in China, data security, and Beijing's anti espionage laws.

   The person familiar with the matter said, "Secretary Raymond represents both his department and the US government as a high-ranking official, so the topics discussed are very broad

   In addition, Raymond's visit to China may also help Boeing resume delivery of the 737 Max jet aircraft to China. Insiders say that China Southern Airlines is expected to receive a batch of 737 Max from Boeing within a few weeks. This will be the first time Boeing has delivered this aircraft type to China since the 2019 air crash.

   In addition, the Voice of America website reported on August 24th that US Commerce Secretary Raymond will conduct a 4-day visit to China on the 27th. Given the recent administrative order issued by the Biden administration to restrict US investment in China, analysts believe that the visit, which has been brewing for several months, can finally take place, indicating that both Washington and Beijing are interested in promoting this visit in the context of intensifying strategic competition between the US and China, in order to stabilize bilateral relations.

   Gary Hufball, a non resident senior researcher at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in the United States, stated that Beijing welcomes Raymond's visit because she plays an important role in a series of economic and trade issues of concern to China.

   Raymond plays a significant role in all transactions involving trade in goods or services, various electronic services, technology flows, and two-way investment flows, "he said, I guess the Chinese authorities will be interested in this and will ask her in detail, such as the scope of the relevant restrictions (by the US government), which goods, technologies, and investment flows are still allowed by the US, and which are basically prohibited or subject to strict scrutiny

    The report states that just before Raymond's visit to China, the US government unexpectedly lifted the "sanctions" against 27 Chinese entities. This is widely seen as a goodwill gesture made by Washington to China. China welcomes this gesture.

   Clark Packard, a senior researcher at the Keto Society in the United States, said, "Dialogue between the United States and China is positive. I hope this is not just an occasion for both parties to complain, but also to see some progress

   Hefbauer said that Raymond is a government official responsible for promoting the interests of American companies overseas, and the Chinese government may take the opportunity of her visit to try to show that China is still friendly to foreign companies.


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