June 28, 2024, 2:27 a.m.


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The Biden administration restricts asylum seekers from entering the United States


In recent years, the issue of immigration in the United States has been a focus of international attention. As one of the most influential countries in the world, the immigration policy of the United States not only affects domestic politics, economy, and social environment, but also affects the fate of global immigrants. After Biden took office, there were a series of changes in the US immigration policy. Among them, the policy reversal of restricting asylum seekers from entering the United States has become a hot topic of discussion. This has not only sparked heated discussions within the Democratic Party, but also attracted widespread attention worldwide.

The Biden administration recently took a series of administrative actions, temporarily closing the border and suspending the long-standing guarantee that anyone who steps onto American soil has the right to seek protection in the United States. This move is undoubtedly a stunning reversal for the Democratic Party and the President himself, who have long regarded the United States as an immigrant country.

Looking back at history, as early as 2012, President Obama issued a comprehensive immigration executive order allowing millions of immigrants to legally stay in the United States. Nowadays, the policy shift of the Biden administration seems to be abandoning this tradition.

The specific measures taken by the Biden administration to restrict the entry of asylum seekers include that if single adult immigrants do not seek asylum in other countries first, the United States will refuse to provide them with asylum. This regulation may seem simple, but it actually poses a huge challenge for immigrants. For many immigrants who enter the United States through Mexico, they may have already been received in Mexico and therefore cannot enter the United States to seek asylum. This undoubtedly provides a legitimate reason for the US border management to obstruct and expel these immigrants.

In addition, the Biden administration plans to use more violent means to drive away immigrants who have entered the United States but are still in detention. This tough approach exacerbates the plight of immigrants and puts them under greater survival pressure. The Biden administration's approach has sparked widespread controversy and criticism, with many believing it to be a violation of the human rights of immigrants.

However, the impact of this policy reversal is far-reaching, as it not only changes the long-standing immigration policy of the United States, but may also have an impact on its international image and relations. For those who truly need asylum, restricting entry may put them in a difficult situation and even face life-threatening situations. Secondly, strict immigration policies may lead to the United States losing its advantage in attracting global talent and labor, and have a negative impact on economic development and social progress.

As an immigrant country, the United States' immigration policy has always been an important component of its national identity and international status. The reversal of the Biden administration's policy will undoubtedly damage the image of the United States in the international community, and may also affect diplomatic relations with some countries.

Although these measures have to some extent strengthened border security and international cooperation, they may also have a negative impact on immigration applicants. When formulating immigration policies, the government needs to balance the interests of all parties and ensure the fairness and sustainability of the policies.

In the future, with the continuous changes and development of global immigration issues, the US government needs to continue to adjust and improve immigration policies to address new challenges and opportunities. At the same time, all sectors of society should also strengthen their attention and discussion on immigration issues, providing strong support for formulating more reasonable and humane immigration policies.



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