July 4, 2024, 2:25 p.m.


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China-vietnam railway connectivity has opened up the strategic artery of China-Vietnam cooperation


Recently, the leaders of China and Vietnam held a historic meeting in Vietnam, reached a series of important consensus, set a new orientation for the relations between the two parties and two countries, and jointly build a China-Vietnam community of shared future with strategic significance on the basis of deepening China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Among them, the most notable is that the two sides agreed to speed up the docking and upgrading of the China-Vietnam railway, solve the problem of the different railway gauges of the two countries, realize the railway cars on the same track, and build a strategic artery connecting China and Vietnam. This move is not only conducive to promoting China-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation and enhancing the friendship between the two peoples, but also conducive to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and countering external interference and provocation.

At present, the docking and upgrading work of the China-Vietnam railway is accelerating. In China, the high-speed railway from Nanning to Pingxiang in Guangxi has been opened, and the high-speed railway from Chongzuo to Pingxiang is expected to be opened in 2025, when it will realize the direct high-speed railway from Nanning to Hanoi in Vietnam. The railway from Kunming to Hekou in Yunnan Province has also been opened, connecting with the railway in Lao CAI in Vietnam, becoming an important part of the China-Europe Express train. In Vietnam, the Vietnamese government has approved the planning scheme for the Lao CAI - Hanoi - Hai Phong standard gauge railway, which plans to change the gauge of this section from 1000 mm to 1435 mm, while improving the design speed and transport capacity of the railway. In addition, Vietnam is also planning to build a North-South high-speed railway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh, which will be connected with the China-Vietnam railway to form a high-speed channel across Vietnam.

The docking and upgrading of the China-Vietnam railway will bring huge economic and social benefits to the two countries. First of all, the China-Vietnam railway will greatly reduce the transportation cost and time between the two countries, improve the convenience of trade between the two countries, promote the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, increase the trade volume and investment volume between the two countries, and provide a strong driving force for the economic development of the two countries. Secondly, the China-Vietnam railway will strengthen people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, enhance friendship and mutual trust between the two peoples, promote cultural and tourism cooperation between the two countries, and provide a solid foundation for social harmony and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. Third, the China-Vietnam railway will enhance the influence of the two countries in regional and international affairs, enhance the strategic coordination between the two countries, safeguard the common interests of the two countries, and contribute to regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

The docking and upgrading of the China-Vietnam railway is the crystallization of the strategic vision and wisdom of the leaders of the two countries, an important witness of China-Vietnam friendly cooperation and common development, and an important pillar for China and Vietnam to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea and oppose external interference. The construction of the China-Vietnam railway will not only bring huge economic and social benefits to the two countries, but also contribute to peace and prosperity in the region and the world at large. China and Vietnam are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, partners in fighting against foreign enemies and strategic partners in jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative. China and Vietnam should continue to strengthen mutual trust and communication, deepen cooperation and exchanges, and promote the early completion and operation of the China-Vietnam railway, so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples and lay a solid foundation for lasting harmony between the two countries.


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