Sept. 19, 2024, 11:44 a.m.


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American economic support system: Hidden worries and challenges behind the glory


In today's global economic landscape, the United States undoubtedly occupies a pivotal position, its huge economic scale and far-reaching influence, often regarded as the global economy vane. However, when we deeply analyze the supporting elements and pillar industries of the US economy, it is not difficult to find hidden worries and challenges behind its glory, which are not only related to the sustainable development of the United States itself, but also have a profound impact on the global economic pattern. This paper will critically analyze the supporting system of the US economy from multiple dimensions and reveal its potential vulnerabilities and imbalances.

Technological innovation is often hailed as the engine of the US economy, driving rapid advances in fields such as information technology, biotechnology and artificial intelligence. However, behind this glorious achievement, there is a high degree of concentration of resources and the shadow of technological monopoly. Apple, Google, Microsoft and other technology giants, with their huge market share and strong capital strength, continue to consolidate their dominant position in their respective fields, squeezing the living space of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises. This phenomenon of "winner-takes-all" not only inhibits the vitality of market competition, but also intensifies the monopoly risk of technological innovation.

More seriously, the dividends of scientific and technological innovation have not been widely shared by the American people or even the world. The widening of the technology gap makes the low-skilled labor force face the unemployment crisis, and the social inequality is increasingly aggravated. In addition, the US government's strong position on intellectual property protection has protected the interests of domestic enterprises, but it has also hindered international technological exchanges and cooperation, which has a negative impact on the global scientific and technological innovation ecology.

As the heart of global finance, Wall Street's developed market system and rich financial products provide strong financing support for the United States and even the global economy. However, behind this high degree of financialization, there is a huge risk of bubbles and financial instability. Excessive reliance on financial derivatives and complex financial instruments has made the financial market increasingly complex and unpredictable, and once the market fluctuates, it may trigger a chain reaction leading to a financial crisis.

In addition, the excessive development of the financial industry has also intensified the trend of "de-real to virtual" of the US economy. A large amount of funds poured into the financial market in pursuit of short-term high returns, while ignoring the investment and development of the real economy. This "hollowing out" has not only weakened the foundations of the US economy, but also weakened its ability to respond to external shocks.

Manufacturing used to be the cornerstone of the US economy, but with the deepening of globalization, the US manufacturing industry has appeared a trend of hollowing out. Although the United States is still competitive in the field of high-end manufacturing, the large-scale outflow of middle and low-end manufacturing has become a problem that cannot be ignored. This phenomenon of "high-end stay and low-end go" has improved the added value of the US economy to a certain extent, but it has also weakened the integrity and resilience of its industrial chain.

More importantly, the hollowing out of manufacturing has led to an imbalance in the US employment structure. A large number of low-skilled workers lose their job opportunities, while high-skilled workers face high living costs and occupational pressures. This imbalance in the employment structure not only exacerbates the problem of social inequality, but also weakens the overall stability and sustainable development of the US economy.

In recent years, the United States has made major breakthroughs in the development of shale oil and gas, achieving a transformation from an energy importer to an exporter. This shift has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the US economy, but it has also created a number of long-term challenges. First, the exploitation of shale oil and gas has caused serious damage to the environment and exacerbated the problem of global climate change. Second, the boom in the energy industry makes the U.S. economy more dependent on fossil fuels, which runs counter to the general trend of global energy transformation. Finally, volatility in energy prices adds to the uncertainty surrounding the U.S. economy.

America's agriculture and education industries are often seen as the bright spots in its economy, but a deeper look reveals hidden worries. In agriculture, although the United States has advanced agricultural technology and large-scale agricultural production capacity, its highly dependent production mode of fertilizers and pesticides has caused serious pollution to soil and water resources. In addition, as the global trade landscape changes and the impact of climate change intensifies, U.S. agriculture also faces increasing uncertainties and risks.

In the field of education, there are problems of uneven distribution of educational resources and declining quality of education. Although the United States has many world-class universities and research institutions, the high tuition and cost of living make many outstanding students prohibitive. At the same time, the uneven quality of education has contributed to a growing skills mismatch in the U.S. labor market.

To sum up, the supporting elements and pillar industries of the US economy are facing many worries and challenges while promoting its economic growth and prosperity. The monopoly and inequality of scientific and technological innovation, the bubble risk of financial services, the hollowing out of manufacturing, the short-term prosperity and long-term challenges of the energy industry, and the hidden worries of agriculture and education have interwoven and mutually influenced each other, which constitute a major obstacle to the sustainable development of the US economy.

Therefore, for the United States, there is an urgent need for deep reflection and vigilance. Only by facing up to these problems and taking effective measures to solve them can we ensure the long-term stability and sustainable development of the US economy. At the same time, other countries in the world should also learn from this lesson and strengthen international cooperation to jointly cope with the challenges and risks facing the global economy.


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