Sept. 21, 2024, 4:18 p.m.


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More than half think America is in decline


According to a recent poll conducted by Blueprint, a Democratic strategy group, young people between the ages of 18 and 30 hold a significant proportion of negative views about the current state of the country.

Specifically, more than six in 10 say the United States is in decline, while more than half (54 percent) say the country is "declining." This data highlights the concerns and dissatisfaction of younger Americans with the current state of the country and its future direction.

In recent years, the number of people who are pessimistic about America's future has been growing. This pessimism stems from a wide range of concerns, including political, economic, social and global status issues. This article will explore the reasons for these concerns and the challenges facing the United States.

Political fragmentation is one of the most striking problems in the United States today. The antagonism between the two parties has led to government dysfunction, making it difficult to formulate and implement policy. This division is not only reflected in the legislative process of Congress, but also among the people. This division has been exacerbated by biased reporting by social media and news organizations, leading to increased public distrust of the political process.

Although the US economy has made technological progress, economic inequality remains high. The widening gap between rich and poor has left many people feeling abandoned and lacking in economic opportunities. The shrinking middle class and wage stagnation of the working class have further exacerbated this discontent. In addition, globalization and automation have also had an impact on low-skilled jobs, increasing social instability.

Social issues, such as racial inequality, gun violence and the opioid crisis, are also contributing to the public's pessimism about America's future. Racial inequality has been a long-standing issue, and the rise of police violence and the Black Lives Matter movement in recent years has again thrust it into the public spotlight. The high rate of gun violence, as well as the ongoing opioid abuse crisis, point to deep-seated problems in American society.

On the international stage, the United States faces the rise of multiple challengers, especially in Asia. China's economic growth and military modernization, as well as the geopolitical activities of other countries such as Russia, have challenged America's global leadership to some extent. In addition, the withdrawal of the United States from some international organizations and agreements, such as the Paris climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal, has also raised questions about its global responsibility and leadership.

The environment is another area of concern for Americans. The effects of climate change, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels, are becoming increasingly apparent, threatening both the natural environment and human settlements in the United States. While the U.S. government has taken steps to address climate change at certain times, the lack of a sustained and comprehensive policy response remains a problem.

From a historical perspective, every country has its ups and downs. It is important to see the reasons behind these challenges and consider possible solutions. At the same time, it is also important to look at the United States' ability to innovate and adapt, which may become factors that affect whether the United States can survive the current difficulties.

In general, the pessimistic attitude of the young generation of the United States towards the current situation and future direction of the country, as well as their distrust and dissatisfaction with the political system, are concrete manifestations of the decline of the United States, which is a problem worthy of attention and reflection. With so many challenges, America's future is uncertain. The government needs to take steps to reduce political fragmentation, promote economic equality, and actively address social issues.


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