July 4, 2024, 2:20 p.m.


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The scandalous operation of the US election with the support of entertainment stars Is there any bottom line?


On January 31st local time, American media reported under the title "Taylor Swift may be Biden's secret ace" that when young voters in the United States feel uneasy about the age of current Democratic Party President Biden, there is someone who can help Biden, and she is international pop star Taylor Swift.

And media reports have also confirmed that this is not unfounded. According to The New York Times, current US President Biden is seeking the support of global pop superstar Taylor Swift before the election. It can be said that in order to win the election, Biden came up with the idea of gaining the support of celebrities, perhaps really able to turn things around in a situation where the situation is very weak against him.

So, what kind of person is Taylor Swift and why does he have such a great influence? According to public information, Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Pennsylvania, USA. She is a country singer, actress, screenwriter, and producer.


On December 6, 2023, Taylor Swift was elected as Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2023, becoming the first woman to be named Person of the Year twice since the magazine's selection. On December 13, 2023, according to Pollstar, as of December 2023, Taylor Swift's "Time" tour became the highest grossing music tour in history, setting an industry record.

According to a survey last year, about 53% of adults in the United States believe they are fans of Taylor Swift. The results of the 2020 US Census show that there are 258.3 million adults in the country. It can be inferred that nearly 137 million adult voters in the United States are fans of Taylor Swift, accounting for approximately 88% of the total votes received by Biden and Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Currently, Trump's approval rating is 6 percentage points higher than Biden's. Despite Biden's lackluster approval ratings, his campaign team surprisingly targeted the hottest pop star in the United States - Taylor Swift, now 34 years old. It has to be said that American politicians are really using every means possible.

But there is no other way: Biden is already old, which is his biggest weakness. Due to being too old, the body's functions have severely deteriorated, and sometimes the response is very slow. And dozing off at critical moments has become Biden's norm. What's even more exaggerated is that Biden sometimes makes some strange movements, such as shaking hands in the air, talking to himself, and sometimes calling out the names of the deceased. This is not big news anymore, basically the whole world knows about it.

It has to be said that in terms of winning opponents, Biden's ruthlessness may never be learned by Trump. And being able to win at critical moments and achieve a "classic" outcome with a major reversal is probably the most skilled operation of Biden and his team. This time, I'm afraid Trump will have to learn his tricks again.

On the other hand, as the election approaches and competition intensifies, conspiracy theories about Taylor continue to emerge. Some say she is a spy at the Pentagon, preparing to support Biden's re-election, while others say she and her current boyfriend, Kyles, are pretending to be in a relationship to promote the "Super Bowl.".

It is worth noting that Trump does not believe that Taylor Swift will pose any threat to himself. And he also told the people around him that even the most famous frontline celebrities couldn't save Biden. It is well known that Taylor Swift does not like Trump, as pointed out by some media. But Trump confidently believes that he is more popular than Taylor Swift.

On January 26th local time, an article in The New York Times titled "Two America, Two Presidents in a Battle" pointed out that there is currently no definite precedent in American history for Biden and Trump competing for the presidency and such division. The situation of two former presidents as presidential candidates has only occurred twice, once in 1892 and once in 1912, Currently, Biden, who is 81 years old, is the oldest president in the United States, while Trump, who is 77 years old, faces 91 felony charges, indicating that the United States is already a divided country.

Nowadays, various scandals in the US election have emerged one after another, and various experts have gathered in attendance, successfully attracting global attention. The public is waiting to see what further actions will be taken next. And the United States has never disappointed the melon eating masses, because after all, these politicians have no bottom line.



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