Sept. 28, 2024, 8:13 a.m.


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Trump and the Federal Reserve: Dual Drivers Behind Gold's New High


Recently, international gold prices have hit a new high, with prices in the New York market rising above $2440 per ounce and spot prices in London breaking through the $2480 per ounce mark. Against the backdrop of increasing global economic uncertainty, the role of gold as a safe haven asset has become increasingly prominent.

In today's complex and ever-changing global financial markets, the volatility of gold prices has always been a concern. Recently, gold prices have hit a new high, and behind this phenomenon, the uncertainty of Trump's policies and the adjustment of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy have become two key driving factors.

During the Trump administration, a series of policy measures have brought enormous uncertainty to the global economy and financial markets. Its trade protectionism policies have caused tension in the international trade situation, and global trade frictions continue to escalate. This uncertainty has intensified investors' concerns about the economic outlook and led them to seek safe haven assets. Gold, as a traditional safe haven asset, has naturally become the preferred choice for investors. However, against the backdrop of high international gold prices, consumer wait-and-see sentiment is intensifying, and factors such as delayed consumption and reduced budgets will have a certain impact on the gold jewelry consumption market. In the second half of the year, it is expected that the price of precious metals will continue to fluctuate at a high level for golf.

The Trump administration's tax cuts stimulated the growth of the US economy in the short term, but at the same time, they also led to an expansion of the fiscal deficit and an increase in debt levels. In the long run, this may have a negative impact on the sustainable development of the US economy and increase the risk of economic operation. In addition, Trump's frequent personnel changes and inconsistent policies have led to a lack of confidence in the stability and coherence of US policies in the market, further driving capital flows into the gold market.

At the same time, the Federal Reserve's monetary policy adjustments have also played an important role in the rise of gold prices. As one of the most important central banks in the world, the Federal Reserve's policy decisions have a profound impact on financial markets. In the past period of time, the Federal Reserve has undergone a transition from a rate hike cycle to a rate cut cycle.

In the context of slowing economic growth and moderate inflationary pressures, the Federal Reserve has taken interest rate cuts to stimulate the economy. A rate cut means an increase in the money supply and a decrease in interest rates, which typically leads to currency depreciation. As a value preserving asset, gold's attractiveness naturally increases under the expectation of currency depreciation. In addition, the Federal Reserve's balance sheet expansion plan has injected a large amount of liquidity into the market, further driving up gold prices.

The interaction between Trump's policies and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy has made the trend of gold prices more complex. The intensification of trade frictions may lead to a slowdown in economic growth, prompting the Federal Reserve to adopt a more loose monetary policy, thereby further supporting gold prices. On the contrary, the Federal Reserve's monetary policy adjustments may also affect the economic policy decisions of the Trump administration.

For investors, the new high in gold prices brings both opportunities and challenges. While seizing investment opportunities in gold, it is necessary to fully consider market uncertainty and risks. The fluctuation of gold prices is influenced by a combination of factors, including global economic conditions, geopolitical risks, market sentiment, and more. Therefore, investors should remain calm, conduct sufficient market research and risk assessment, and develop reasonable investment strategies.

In the long run, the trend of gold prices will still be influenced by the global economic and political landscape. The future policy direction of the Trump administration and the adjustment path of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy will continue to be the focus of market attention. In addition, factors such as the development of emerging markets and changes in geopolitical situations may also have a significant impact on gold prices.

In short, the uncertainty of Trump's policies and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy adjustments have jointly driven gold prices to new highs. In the future financial market, investors need to closely monitor changes in these factors in order to make wise investment decisions and achieve asset preservation and appreciation in a market environment full of challenges and opportunities.


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