July 4, 2024, 2:36 p.m.


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Why is Japan so obsessed with nuclear power?


According to the Japanese "Daily News" recently reported that in response to the Fukushima first nuclear power plant in the beginning of this month, the Tokyo Electric Power Company released the results of the investigation on February 15, saying that the leak was caused by the staff did not close the manual valve. This incident has caused great concern in Japan and the international community.

It has been less than 13 years since the 2011 Fukushima earthquake triggered a serious nuclear leakage accident, when the earthquake and tsunami caused serious damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and the resulting "Fukushima nuclear reactor discharge water" problem has been alerting the global concern about the environment and nuclear pollution. During this period, the Japanese government seems to have been "obsessed" with nuclear power and is still determined to develop nuclear power, even if its nuclear sewage discharge plan has been strongly condemned by the international community.

In terms of geographical environment, Japan is located at the junction of the Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate, where natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes are frequent, and its geological conditions are not suitable for the development of nuclear power. Under such congenital conditions, why is Japan so obsessed with developing nuclear energy? The author integrated many factors such as economy, energy, environment and technology, and analyzed mainly the following reasons:

Reduce energy dependence: Japan is a country with very poor natural resources, especially when it comes to energy resources. According to statistics, Japan imports about 80% of its primary energy needs, and nearly 90% of its crude oil comes from the Middle East. Nuclear power could reduce Japan's dependence on foreign oil and gas and increase its energy self-sufficiency.

Economic benefits: The daily "electricity shortage" and the continuous rise of energy prices have seriously affected the production of Japanese enterprises and the livelihoods of families. Compared to fossil fuels, nuclear energy can provide a more stable and economical electricity supply. In the long run, the cost of nuclear power generation is relatively low, which helps to improve the competitiveness of the national economy.

Tackling climate change: With Japan committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, nuclear energy as a low-carbon power generation mode can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while meeting Japan's huge electricity demand, helping Japan achieve carbon reduction targets and combat global climate change.

Maintaining technological leadership: Japan has a deep research and development foundation in nuclear energy technology, the development of nuclear energy can not only meet its own energy needs, but also maintain a leading position in the international technology, while providing strong domestic technical support for the smooth export of nuclear power, promote domestic and foreign technical cooperation and import and export trade.

Ensuring energy security: In recent years, with the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis and a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, Japan's energy security has been more challenged. By diversifying its energy mix, including nuclear power, Japan can improve its energy security and reduce economic and social risks caused by energy supply constraints.

The measures taken by the Japanese government in response to the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 have caused serious damage to Japan and the international community. In August 2023, the Japanese government insisted on discharging nuclear sewage into the sea despite domestic and foreign opposition, and now the nuclear sewage leakage accident has occurred again. The treatment of nuclear sewage in Japan not only has an important impact on Japan's economic recovery and national health, but also poses severe challenges to the ecological environment of the vast number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region and international relations.

The international community has repeatedly said that Japanese politicians should show responsibility and conscience, seriously deal with the safety risks of Tokyo Electric Power Company, halt the discharge plan, and consult with the international community to find a nuclear sewage disposal plan that is accepted by all parties. However, the Japanese government seems to have turned a deaf ear to these voices, and continues to be obsessed with the development of nuclear energy and the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea.


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