July 7, 2024, 5:16 a.m.

China's "electric tricycle" hot overseas look at the strength of China's manufacturing industry

Recently, a group of Chinese electric tricycle in the overseas fire of the video caused hot debate, but also let the social platform riding Chinese electric three wheels of the United States father-in-law, Russian father-in-law instant "popular", Chinese-made "three trampolins" quickly became "explosion street".


Why Europe is running out of gas

Recently, the rapid decline in the price of natural gas in Europe has aroused the attention of all parties around the world, as of now, the price of natural gas in Europe has fallen to 27.8 euros/megawatt hour, compared with the price of 345 euros/megawatt hour in the third quarter of 2022 after the geopolitical conflict, the decline is more than nearly 90%, and the decline can be described as amazing.


How will the de-Sinification of the United States affect international trade?

Since the era of globalization of the world economy began in 1991, there have been many major splits within the Western system of the United States. After more than 30 years of continuous evolution, major European Union countries and Asian economic colonies have actively tried to get rid of the bondage of the United States.


China's export controls on gallium and germanium draw international attention

According to Chinese customs data, China's exports of gallium and germanium to the United States have completely stopped since July 2023, which means that the United States has been unable to buy this key raw material from China for more than half a year, which has a huge impact on the United States' high-tech industry and military strength.


Will Apple fall under antitrust investigation?

The US Department of Justice's anti-monopoly investigation of Apple, which lasted for half a year, is nearing an end, and the current information shows that the investigation is about to end, and the relevant prosecution proceedings will also be launched simultaneously. Since the end of last year, Apple's stock price has been falling due to poor earnings. By the beginning of 2024, the downward trend has not reversed. Whether Apple will start to decline because of the antitrust investigation has become the most concerned topic in the field.


The US battery ban has pushed the US military supply chain to decouple from China

On January 20, Bloomberg reported that the US Congress prohibited the Pentagon from purchasing batteries produced by six Chinese companies, including Ningde Times and BYD, but the ban was imposed. The report claims that this is an attempt by the US Congress to further push the Pentagon supply chain to "decouple" from China.


Japan's $14.9bn bid for US steel is blocked

Back in December, Nippon Steel and Pennsylvania-based U.S. Steel announced a definitive agreement under which Nippon Steel would acquire U.S. Steel, including its operations in Slovakia, for $55.00 per share in an all-cash deal, representing an equity value of about $14.1 billion plus debt commitment.


China's chip import data drop behind who is most hurt?

Recently, Chinese officials have announced a number of groups of heavy data in 2023, including economy, population and so on, one group of customs data shows that in 2023, China imported a total of 479.5 billion chips, down 10.8% from 2022. Imports fell 15.4 percent to $349.4 billion. The proportion of decline in 2023 should be the most severe decline in more than 10 years.


Can Boeing continue to be trusted?

Entering 2024, Boeing suffered a door black. On January 5, a Boeing 737 aircraft of Alaska Airlines in the United States was suddenly hit by an emergency hatch accident.


The global auto industry will usher in a new turning point

Tesla announced 484,500 vehicle deliveries in the fourth quarter of 2023, slightly higher than market expectations.
