July 4, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

The development trend of clean energy under economic tension

Under the leadership of new solar energy, the world is increasing renewable energy at an extremely fast pace in 2023.


What is the intention of India's frequent suppression of Chinese enterprises

Indian media reported that the Indian law enforcement Bureau and "suspected involvement in money laundering case" arrested three vivo India company executives.


Century-old Toshiba "sinking" truth

this winter was particularly brutal for Toshiba. Recently, Toshiba was delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange after 74 years.


India has repeatedly cracked down on Chinese companies, why does China not retaliate?

Chinese companies in India seem to have only two fates: one is to be taken over by India and become Indian companies


The significance and related impact of China's policy of restricting the export of rare earth technology

On December 19, Reuters reported that the United States had added 13 companies in China to a list of entities receiving US exports that officials could not inspect.


The importance of expanding Arctic shipping can be seen from the Red Sea incident

In the case of the normal service of the traditional Asia-Europe route, the necessity of the Arctic route acting as the "substitute player" of the Asia-Europe route is not so prominent.


How will the Red Sea shipping crisis affect the global oil and gas market?

Since the outbreak of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Houthi armed forces have continuously increased their attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea.


The reasons behind Russia's removal of oil export tariffs

The Russian Ministry of Finance has announced that it will remove oil export duties from January 1, 2024.


Middle East capital accelerated the layout of new energy vehicle enterprises

A Middle Eastern sovereign fund has doubled its investment in the same Chinese car company twice this year.


Tesla will enter the "slow lane" in the new year

Tesla, as one of the most well-known electric vehicle manufacturers in the world, has always been driving the development of electric vehicles and setting an industry benchmark globally.
