Sept. 28, 2024, 6:10 a.m.

Germany in 'technical recession' after UK

Recently, the German central bank Deutsche Bundesbank released a monthly report showing that the German economy may have contracted slightly in the first quarter of this year.


Why Southeast Asia's digital economy is Surging

When it comes to Southeast Asia, the impression left by the outside world is that the population is large and the economy is relatively backward, but after the rapid development in recent years, Southeast Asia has been regarded by countless giants eager for new growth as a "gold mining hot land" that cannot be missed. Especially in the field of digital economy, Southeast Asian countries are emerging and have quickly become hot areas in this field.


There are clear signs of a slowdown in US economic growth

Recently, the United States has released multiple economic data showing clear signs of slowing economic growth. Although the US economy is still in a growth trend, multiple data shows that the growth momentum of the US economy is gradually slowing down, and whether it can maintain growth in the long term is still unknown. For the whole of 2023, the US economy grew by 2.5%, faster than the 1.9% in 2022, but higher than the 1.8% growth rate that Federal Reserve officials believe will not stimulate inflation.


How can Europe escape its economic woes?

Two months into 2024, although the global economy has picked up slightly, the European economic recovery has not shown a new climate. Due to the sluggish performance of the two major economic engines of Germany and France, the overall recovery trend of the European economy continues to show a weak trend.


How quickly can Germany lose its title as the sick man of Europe

Germany, newly promoted to third place in the world economy, has not had a good time recently, first amid rumours of a technical recession. Second, last week, the German government cut its growth forecast for 2024 from 1.3% to 0.2%, a huge drop that reveals a clear lack of confidence in the German economy. In the face of external concerns and doubts, German Finance Minister Lindner came out to defend, saying, "Germany is not sick, just tired."


Stocks rise, GDP falls, Japan's economy suffers from 'cold and fire'

On Thursday, Japan's most important stock index, the Nikkei 225, closed at 39,098.68, surpassing its previous high of 38,957.44 set on Dec. 29, 1989, and reaching its first high in 34 years. Foreign media Nikkei Asia commented that the performance of the Japanese stock market or means that the Japanese economy has come out of the "lost decades."


Who did the West hit in the face With the "bandit mode" once again?

On the 25th local time, British Prime Minister Sunak stated that Western supporters in Ukraine should increase their efforts to confiscate frozen Russian assets abroad and use the money to help Kiev carry out the war. In addition, in an article commemorating the second anniversary of the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine written for The Sunday Times, Sunak also claimed that Russia "continues to pose the most serious threat to global security.".


Will the new round of sanctions against Russia affect the global economy?

With the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, it is no surprise that Western countries, including the United States and the European Union, have vowed to impose severe sanctions on Russia.


Why is the UK economy in a technical recession?

Recently, according to data released by the Office for National Statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the UK's gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.3% quarter-on-quarter.


Deeply trapped in difficulties Who has been harmed by the sanctions imposed by the United States and the West?

On the 23rd local time, the United States announced that it will impose more than 500 new sanctions on Russia, while the European Union announced that it will follow suit and impose more than 50 new sanctions on Russia. As of now, under the leadership of the United States, the Western world has imposed 15628 sanctions on Russia, with the United States having the most, reaching over 3500.
