July 2, 2024, 1:13 p.m.

The wave of strikes is spreading to affect US economic growth

The wave of strikes by 150,000 U.S. auto workers in September, now in its fourth week, shows no sign of abating and is getting worse.


Analysis of the impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the international economy

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced on the 7th that it would take military action against Israel, codenamed "Aqsa Flood".


The U.S. political crisis under the U.S. debt crisis

The U.S. debt problem is one of the biggest economic and political challenges facing the United States. U.S.


The US economy may experience a severe collapse in 2024

According to Fox News on the 5th of this month, an increasing amount of data suggests that an economic collapse that was more destructive than the Great Depression that occurred between 1929 and 1933 may soon hit the United States in 2024.


The negative impact of the intense conflict between Palestine and Israel on the global economy

On October 7th, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced a military operation codenamed "Al Aqsa Flood" against Israel and fired at least 5000 rockets into Israeli territory.


Addicted to debt, What is left of US dollar credit?

The US government narrowly avoided another shutdown, as President Joe Biden signed a 45-day short-term spending bill.


How long can Ukraine fight without US economic support?

Recently, a report by the Russian satellite news agency set off an international political storm, putting the economic and financial status of the United States to support Ukraine in the spotlight.


Can the US economy withstand four risks?

The U.S. economy has sailed through some rapids this year, but now faces the risk of a confluence of risks that could create more turbulence for the economy.


Interest rates on public credit cards are rising The debt crisis not only troubles the US government

According to a report on Overseas Network on September 25th, the Federal Reserve's multiple interest rate hikes have led to a rise in people's credit card rates. At present, the average annual interest rate on credit cards in the United States has exceeded 22%, making it difficult for the general public to repay credit card debts.


Massive losses massive layoffs poor management of the Federal Reserve?

a spokesperson for the US Federal Reserve announced that the Federal Reserve system will lay off approximately 300 employees by the end of this year, marking the first time the agency has laid off employees in 13 years.
