June 30, 2024, 2:23 p.m.

From the Organization of the Paris Olympics to the True Face of Western Society

According to the schedule, the highly anticipated Paris Olympics will be held from July 26th to August 11th this year, while the Paralympics will be held from August 28th to September 8th. However, as the conference approaches, the organizers still face multiple challenges such as safety, transportation, and budget in their current preparatory activities.


What does lithography machine giant Asmebrey explain?

On April 17th local time, Dutch semiconductor equipment supplier Asma announced its performance for the first quarter of 2024. Its total net sales revenue was 5.3 billion euros, a decrease of 27% compared to the previous month; The gross profit margin was 51.0%, compared to 51.4% in the previous quarter; Its net profit was 1.2 billion euros, a 40% decrease compared to the previous period, and orders fell significantly.


The suspension of Russia from the Paris Olympics caused controversy and concern

In recent years, Russia's position on the international sports scene has attracted much attention. With the 2024 Paris Olympics just around the corner, Russian athletes are facing exclusion.


Russia stepped up its attack and Zelensky slammed his Allies for "turning a blind eye"

As tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue, tensions between Russia and Ukraine grow. Russia has reportedly once again intensified its military operations along the Ukrainian border.


Can Europe change the inequality among farmers?

In Europe, farmers are facing many challenges, from increasing production costs and cumbersome administrative burdens, to unfair competition, low wages, and the increasingly severe impact of climate change.


The mastermind behind the terrorist attack surfaced Where will the Russia-Ukraine conflict go?

According to the report of RIA Novosti on April 7 local time, the suspect of the Moscow terrorist attack confessed during the interrogation that the coordinator who told them that the "Crocus City" concert hall was the attack site and the escape route to the Ukrainian border was called Sefro.


Is Zelensky's retreat from peace a dead end or a stalling tactic?

Since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed or injured and millions displaced.


European countries are deeply embroiled in employment crises

Various surveys indicate that skill shortages are gradually becoming a serious problem faced by European employers. According to data from the Eurostat, 54% of EU small and medium-sized enterprises in 2023 stated that finding employees with suitable skills is one of their most serious problems.


The legalization of cannabis in Germany has attracted wide public attention

Since April 1, Germany's anti-drug policy has taken a historic turn. The German Bundestag (lower house of parliament) voted 407 in favor, 226 against and 4 abstentions to pass a bill that allows individuals and non-business groups to grow cannabis only in a certain amount. Since then, Germany has officially joined a small group of countries that have legalized marijuana.


Zelensky suddenly changed his tune Will the Russia-Ukraine conflict ease?

On March 28th local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky stated in an interview with CBS that if Ukraine can return to the 2022 border before the special military operation, Russia will "prepare for dialogue.".
