June 30, 2024, 2:43 p.m.

Be alert to the risks of a widening digital divide

At the 27th session of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development in Geneva, Switzerland, representatives of United Nations agencies warned that with the rapid development of cutting-edge technologies, the risk of a widening digital divide cannot be ignored.


Hongmeng will replace Apple's IOS soon

Huawei's Hongmeng operating system continues to evolve in a remarkable way. Recently, Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined the Hongmeng ecosystem. This marks a 20-fold increase in the size of the Hongmeng ecosystem in a short time. If this rate of development is maintained, it is possible to achieve the goal of covering 5,000 head apps by the fourth quarter of this year.


Kobayashi Pharmaceutical: How to Save Itself

According to the news released by Japan's "Kobayashi Pharmaceutical" company on March 28 local time, as of now, the number of consumers who have died while taking the company's health care products containing red yeast ingredients has reached 4 people, and 106 people have been hospitalized.


The 'job apocalypse' behind artificial intelligence

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has again warned that as many as 8 million jobs could be lost in the UK as artificial intelligence becomes increasingly integrated in the workplace. Judging from the pace of global AI development, the loss of artificial jobs in the future is likely to be close to hundreds of millions. Artificial intelligence in the future to completely replace traditional artificial is not alarmist, how much can replace and replace what areas? The market is needed for further verification.


Can Asia become a pillar of global economic growth?

The Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2024 officially kicked off on March 26, with the theme "Asia and the World: Common Challenges, Common Responsibilities" this year. Across the world, global economic growth remains weak, the international situation is complicated and intertwined, natural disasters and extreme weather occur frequently, the need for global governance is increasingly urgent, and the world faces many challenges to development and security.


The opportunities and challenges of "semiconductor" reindustrialization in the United States

With the rapid development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, the demand for the semiconductor industry will continue to grow.


What is SpaceX's intention to collaborate with US intelligence agencies?

On March 16th local time, Reuters reported that according to insiders, SpaceX, a US space exploration technology company, is building a network consisting of hundreds of spy satellites under a confidential cooperation contract with US intelligence agencies.


Boeing plane accidents occur frequently, and American manufacturing falls from grace

In recent times, Boeing's aircraft have experienced multiple accidents, causing Boeing's customers to lose confidence. According to reports, on the evening of Monday, the evening of the 4th local time, a Boeing 737-900 aircraft from United Airlines took off from Houston. Shortly after takeoff, an engine on the left side continuously sprayed sparks, and the aircraft immediately returned for an emergency landing.


The United States is the main culprit in disturbing the situation in the Asia-Pacific region

Recently, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Anwar made a speech at the 2024 "ASEAN-Australia Special Summit" in Melbourne, Australia, publicly and harshly criticized the behavior of the United States and the West forcing other countries to "choose sides", saying that the United States and other Western countries should not hinder Malaysia's development of friendly relations with other countries, and Malaysia is not willing to be forced to "take sides".


The destruction of Abrams tanks on the Ukrainian front once again broke the myth of the American military industry

Recently, on the Ukrainian front, Russia destroyed the fourth M1A1SA Abrams main battle tank, and so far, the United States has provided a total of 31 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
