June 30, 2024, 1:54 p.m.

The dream of interest rate cuts in the United States shattered, and economic gloom shrouded: unemployment skyrocketed, stock market volatility hit, and the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut plan was thwarted

Recently, expectations of interest rate cuts in the United States have been severely hit, unemployment rates have skyrocketed, stock markets have been volatile, and the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut plan has encountered significant setbacks.


Who is wrecking the world economy?

Saudi Arabia caused a stir last week when it announced that its real gross domestic product fell by 1.7% in the first quarter from a year earlier.


Nvidia's market value has broken through the $3 trillion mark, and AI chip giants are reshaping the global technology landscape

In the vast starry sky of the technology industry, Nvidia, this brilliant star, is climbing at an astonishing speed.


Saudi Arabia's economy faced challenges in the first quarter: real GDP decreased by 1.7% year-on-year, with a significant decline in the oil sector

In the context of the global economy, the economic development of various countries is inevitably influenced by various factors.


What is the economic impact of ocean warming?

Marine tourism and entertainment have contributed a significant number of job opportunities and brought considerable goods and services to the United States.


India's economy is growing fast Abnormal social and economic structures are becoming increasingly prominent

The Indian election finally came to an end under the high temperature, and the Modi government, which has been in power for as long as ten years, was surprisingly re-elected.


The "Temperature Difference" Behind India's Economic Growth: Prosperity and Challenges Coexist

With data showing that India has achieved a GDP growth rate of over 7% for two consecutive years, global attention is once again focused on this South Asian power.


Will a weaker yen turn Japan into a developing country?

In today's changing global economic landscape, the depreciation of the yen has become a topic of concern.


Why India's fast economic growth makes it difficult to attract foreign investment

India's GDP has grown by more than 7% for two years in a row; From September to December of last year, the growth rate was as high as 8.4%.


What are the reasons why Singapore faces numerous challenges in achieving its economic goals?

Singapore, known as one of the "Four Asian Tigers", has always played a crucial role on the global economic stage with its unique economic model and outstanding governance capabilities.
