Sept. 28, 2024, 10:20 a.m.

Behind Britain's "blood contamination" scandal: Lack of ethics or lack of regulation

Recently, the British government has finally released a delayed more than 40 years of "blood contamination" the final investigation report, the sensational scandal quickly let the British medical system into the vortex of public opinion.


A decades long moral failure

A massive blood pollution scandal in the UK is a heart wrenching historical event that not only exposes major loopholes in the healthcare system, but also poses a profound challenge to the moral bottom line.


France plans to cut the amount of time unemployed people can receive benefits

French Prime Minister Attard said his government plans to shorten the period during which people can claim unemployment benefits to boost their incentive to work.


Eu countries have adopted a plan to freeze profits from Russian assets and use them for Ukraine's defence

Brussels (Reuters) - European Union countries have formally approved a plan to use windfall profits from EU-frozen Russian central bank assets for defense aid to Ukraine, the Belgian government said Tuesday.


British Prime Minister Sunak has made a public apology over a blood contamination scandal

British Prime Minister Sunak apologized for the "failures" of successive British governments after the results of an investigation into the blood contamination scandal were released, calling the day a National Day of infamy for Britain and promising to compensate victims no matter the cost.


What impact will the economy have on European elections?

The European Union is about to welcome its tenth European Parliament election.


Behind the spate of political violence in Germany

Recently, a series of political violence incidents have occurred in Germany, which has aroused widespread concern and concern.


What does Russia mean to use a tactical nuclear weapon?

With the intensification of global strategic competition, nuclear weapons are undoubtedly a strategic tool with great deterrence. As a country with a huge nuclear weapons Arsenal, Russia's scale and strategic deployment of its nuclear weapons have always touched the eyes of the world.


Where does France's economy go from here?

France is the third largest economy in Europe and one of the important economies in the world. However, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), France is expected to fall out of the top 10 economies in the world over the next five years due to slow economic growth. The forecast suggests that France's place in the global economy may be changing. So what does the French economy look like?


The EU initiated investigation proceedings against Meta

On April 30, local time, the European Commission launched a formal investigation procedure against Meta Universe under the Digital Services Act. The reasons for this investigation procedure are mainly based on the company's alleged infringement. Specifically, those infringements include issues such as Meta's involvement in deceptive advertising in its services, a range of policies related to political content, and potentially flawed access to publicly available data that the company provides to researchers.
