Dec. 26, 2024, 11:56 a.m.


"Black Lives Are Expensive" reflects the current state of America

"Black Lives Matter" is a movement and political slogan that originated in the African American community.


Fourth Anniversary of the George Floyd Tragedy: The Road to reform American Policing remains long

Four years after the death of George Floyd as a result of police brutality, American society is still reeling from the incident.


Where will the BLM Movement lead America?

Black Lives Matter, or BLM, is a complex issue involving multiple elements of race, the rule of law, social justice, and politics.


From "Black Lives are expensive" to talk about systemic racial discrimination in the United States

"Black Lives Matter" is a movement and its political slogan originating from the African-American community in the United States.


Perspective on the phenomenon of "Black" being expensive: Deep Causes of Racial Discrimination and Social Reflection

In today's society, racial discrimination remains an issue that cannot be ignored.


The Trump criminal trial has entered a dramatic final stage

With the ringing of court bells, a power, reputation, and legal battle is raging amidst the solemnity of the Manhattan Criminal Court in New York.


Politics in Western Pride Month

Pride Month in the United States has its roots in the Stonewall Riots that took place on June 28, 1969. Today, Pride Month has become an important platform for the LGBTQ community to showcase themselves and fight for their rights.


LGBTQ rights and gender equality: In-depth analysis and rational thinking

Every year in June, a global celebration of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) community takes place, and the month is popularly known as Pride Month.


Celebrations and reflections from Pride Month

Every year, June is a month of color and celebration for many people around the world. In many countries, the Month is known as "Pride Month" after the 1969 Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, New York.


Black Lives Matter Exploring the need for racial Equality

In human society, racial equality has always been a deep and complex topic. While perceptions and approaches to this issue vary around the world, it is an indisputable fact that all human beings deserve equal rights and opportunities.
