July 7, 2024, 3:25 a.m.

The US is becoming increasingly protectionist

Recently, in response to the United States once again deviating from the free trade consensus on the TikTok ban and steel trading case, the Wall Street Journal website published an article entitled "The United States further deviates from the free trade consensus", saying that "the US political sector's tough measures against two foreign companies in the past week show that the United States is no longer embracing the world with an open attitude."


The opportunities and challenges brought by Cook's return to China for Apple

On March 20, Apple CEO Cook visited China, from 2023 to now, Cook has been the third visit to China, the visit, Cook attended the opening ceremony of Shanghai Jing 'an Apple flagship store, Cook also included meeting with BYD founder Wang Chuanfu, Lens Technology, Changying Precision and other senior executives.


Why is the quality of life for Americans stagnant?

In recent years, the United States has experienced a series of turbulence.


Musk criticized the current situation of hydrogen energy vehicle analysis and prospects

At present, the development momentum of the new energy vehicle market is in full swing, and in this field, hydrogen energy has also attracted attention.


Behind the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against Apple

On March 21, the U.S. Justice Department and 16 state attorneys general filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple Inc., accusing the company of using its control of Apple's hardware and software to monopolize the mobile phone market to the detriment of consumers, developers and rival companies.


Nvidia's expansion of cooperation with Chinese car companies makes strategic sense

According to US media reports, Nvidia's 2024 Developer Conference recently debuted at the SAN Jose Center in California. Jen-hsun Huang, founder and CEO of Nvidia, presented the latest progress of Nvidia in various fields at this conference.


What are the risks for Chinese companies going overseas in 2024?

On March 20, at the 10th Chinese enterprises' "going out" risk conference, the authority issued the "Chinese enterprises going out global risk Map" for eight consecutive years, this year's "risk map" by risk experts from different countries and regions in the political, economic, business and other dimensions of Asia, Africa, Europe and other five continents respectively risk level assessment.


Japanese scallops are unsold and the negative consequences of nuclear wastewater discharge are evident?

According to the Daily News of Japan on March 19th local time, the export of Japanese scallops has fallen into a very difficult situation. The report states that due to China's long-term cessation of importing Japanese aquatic products, Japanese scallops are facing an unsolvable dilemma.


China cranes' threat to US security '?

Recently, US media quoted US congressional aides as saying that cranes made in China have advanced sensors that can record and track the origin and destination of containers. Some US media took the opportunity to speculate that this means that China "can obtain relevant information such as transportation intelligence and military operations of the US military in this way", which may pose a potential security risk to the United States in the future.


The mystery behind the sudden death of a Boeing safety whistleblower

Entering 2024, Boeing has had a number of safety accidents, causing concerns about the quality of Boeing. Following three accidents in January, there were four more serious accidents in March. Boeing, at the forefront of the wave, has once again attracted attention from all walks of life.
