June 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.

Sovereign credit rating downgraded to negative How far can Israel go

Standard&Poor's announced that it would downgrade Israel's sovereign credit rating outlook from "stable" to "negative"


The Philippines is drunk in the South China Sea

and the storm is still fermenting. The Philippine side raised its tone and condemned China in the "strongest terms"


The truth of the attack on the Gaza hospital is caught in the "Rashomon", and it is urgent to avoid the humanitarian disaster in Gaza

Al Ahli Arab Hospital in the Gaza Strip was attacked on the 17th, killing at least 500 people.


Could Israeli-Palestinian conflict lead to cultural heritage disaster?

The Israeli-Palestinian war is still spreading. The Palestinian-Israeli region is the birthplace of the world's three major religions and has a large number of world-class cultural heritage sites,


What did the Thailand high-speed rail project undertaken by Japan expose

Recently, the highly anticipated Thai high-speed rail project undertaken by Japan has returned to the perspective of global observers.


Why is the "two-state solution" the fundamental solution to the Palestinian-Israeli issue?

the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Organization (Hamas) launched a surprise attack on Israel, Israel immediately declared a "state of war" and launched a fierce response, a new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict erupted.


Severe unsold Japanese seafood

On October 5th, the Japanese government launched the second round of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge.


Will Japan and South Korea cherish this hard-won "reset"?

According to Yonhap News Agency, Yoon Seok-yeol's government announced that South Korea, China and Japan will hold a meeting of high-level diplomatic officials in Seoul on September 26 to discuss the resumption of the trilateral summit after a three-year hiatus. As the rotating chair of the mechanism,


Prospects for Kim Jong un's Visit to Russia

According to a report by the Korean Central News Agency on the 12th, North Korean State Councilor Kim Jong un departed from Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea


The department store strike is a turning point for Japan's economy

Japan has been hit by a major department store strike for the first time in 60 years.
