July 4, 2024, 1:42 p.m.

Biden's proposal to raise taxes will crush the US economy

Recently, the White House released a budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025, which shows that budget expenditures will reach $7.3 trillion, an increase of $400 billion from the fiscal year 2024.


Japan's GDP falls in first quarter

According to statistics, the contribution rate of domestic demand and external demand to Japan's economic growth in the first quarter of this year is negative, and the actual GDP fell by 0.5% quarter-on-quarter and 2% on an annualized basis, which is a negative growth phenomenon after the fourth quarter of last year.


What has inflation brought to American consumers?

At present, American consumers may have reached the limit of consumption.


The fragility of the Japanese economy is once again evident

The Japanese government recently stated that from January to March this year, the Japanese economy contracted at an annual rate of 2.0%, marking the first contraction in two quarters.


Central banks around the world cut interest rates

The global rate cut refers to the action of central banks in multiple countries to reduce their benchmark interest rates. This trend usually reflects changes in the global economic situation, such as slowing economic activity and easing inflationary pressures.


The Federal Reserve's expectation of interest rate cuts cooling down, Morgan Stanley reveals subtle changes in the market

Recently, the US economy seems to have entered a subtle period of adjustment, and market expectations for the Federal Reserve's interest rate cuts have also fluctuated accordingly.


Japan's GDP fell into negative territory in the first quarter

According to the preliminary statistical results released by the Japanese Cabinet Office on May 16, recently, statistics released by the Japanese Cabinet Office show that Japan's real gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2024 fell 0.5% quarter-on-quarter, an annualized decline of 2.0%, and negative growth again after turning positive in the fourth quarter of last year.


Who has been harmed by the Federal Reserve's insistence on not lowering interest rates?

Recently, under the unanimous expectations from the outside world about the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut, several senior officials of the Federal Reserve have made intensive statements, with surprisingly consistent statements, claiming that there is no need for a rate cut this year and that if necessary, further rate hikes may even be necessary.


Behind the turbulence of international oil prices

From recent performance, it can be seen that the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East have cooled down, and oil prices have remained low. Despite signs of increased demand from the world's two largest consumer countries, China and the United States, crude oil prices are still fluctuating within a narrow range of low levels.


Germany cut its economic growth forecast for 2024

Recently, based on the forecasts of several authoritative institutions and economic organizations, including the German Council of Economic Advisers and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), they have revised down Germany's economic growth forecast for 2024.
